Tired of being told to build your business and getting no instructions?
Looking for the how, when and where to prospect for clients and become a top producer?

Quick and Comprehensive classes on:

  • Mail and Phone Prospecting
  • Personal and Professional Networking
  • Social Media Branding
  • Video Content and Setup
  • Time Management
  • Sphere of Influence Contacts
  • Follow Up Reports and Timelines
  • Print Media and Branding

Designed and hosted by an active real estate agent, Agent Academy Online gives you everything you need to know to develop your systems for success!

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Checklists, guides, calendars and more to streamline your busy workday!

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Get to know Erica, and learn a ton of quick tips and tricks to streamline your day and build your client base!

Meet Your Instructor - Erica!

I am a former Managing Broker, and as part of that job, I had to mentor and teach my agents about developing their skill sets. What I quickly learned is that there is not much information out there to help agents learn practical time management and prospecting - and those are the most important things you need to know to make it as an agent. Everyone has been told "Go Make Some Contacts!" and aren't given any real information on who to contact, how to contact them, what to say and how to follow up. I started this school to make sure we all have this information, and know how to put it into place - so we can make our dreams come true.

Thank you for stopping by - this stuff isn't complicated, and I know you can do it, whatever you choose for your career - part time, top producer, a million dollars and a fufilling career. Cheers!